Wednesday, February 9, 2011

How boys catch girls - Observations

In my day, I have made some shocking discoveries. Now all of these are sure fire generalizations that may be offensive; do not read unprepared. Boys, get your pencils out, soon you will be catching girls in NO time!

To start, as a guy you will need warm clothes. Girls are cold blooded by nature and are attracted to warm members of the opposite ( or even same) sex. Wear a large jaChet for yourself, an under hoodie for any girls who may 'need one' and at least two toques. When she sees you are able to provide her with warmth she will instantly be attracted.

Girls love sacriffice, so boys, you need video games. The more, the better. Girls base long term affection on how much boys 1. Comprimise and 2. Sacrifice. Everytime you see her instead of playing mindcraft is plus ten in your favour.

Next , be rude occassionaly. Tease her, bug her, tell her to go make you a sammich. She will hit you, but girls get guilty concieses easily. Each hit will eventually be traded in for a kiss, a hug or other at a later time. Since your girl hitting you will not hurt, everytime she hits you just think ' kiss' . Soon you may even like it ( masochistic)

Those are my three observations about how boy can get dates, bye world! <3


  1. Sounds a lot like some classical conditioning. Every time you are struck, you expect something good to happen. Perhaps waring two jaChet's will soften the blow.

  2. Jackets :P It was on my i-pod! Sorry! :) But yeah, that is another good reason to have extra layers, or a kevlar vest :)

  3. you only need kevlar if she is especially violent and carries knives
