This is on my iPod touch so bear with me, I have had an incredibly epiphenous day today. To start pants are incredibly pointless and stupid. No one loves pants.
Second of all I am getting worse at sleep yet feeling more awake. This does not for the life of me make any god given sense. Why would it be that less sleep is making me more refreshed and alert? I wish I knew!
Third the skies have become increasngly well... Gorgeous. They have honestly became photographic almost every day, dawn and daybreak. I do not know what causes all those viBrant colours but I wish I knew.
Hmmm fourth I have noticed a ton more birds as of late. Literally everywhere I have seen seagulls, birds, ravens, pidgeons, every such flying creature on any such object I encounter. I do not enjoy this new side to Powell river; not one bit!
~ Now some of my thoughts on a future viewsing. As anyone whom knows me incredibly well knows, I love movies. Honestly ever so often I will probably rant about a movie until a post just basically becomes a review. I dunno I've just always liked movies. Tomorow I am going to watch the black swan.
My anticipation is erupting as it has been the last few days since my BF said he would take me. It looks incredible. The two main highlights I've heard are the film styles , and the plot. The acting is supposed to be decent, and I've heard nothing about the score though it is about ballet so; think classical. Everyone I know (almost) has been ranting, raving or mentioning this movie somehow, I'm almost thinking new Scott pilgrim; across the unniverse mayhaps? Indie like film ( though this one is not indie just off beat) (actually I doubt those two were either they were just filmed very indie like) pop cilulture status icon film.
Okay , I am tired! Good night !
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