I missed yesterday! This is terrible!!!! How could I? Though, in all fairness I passed out when I got home, it was a looonngg day. Me and some friends, (maybe 10 tops :P ) Went out and had a bonfire at my ex's home. It was pretty skilled. We made this huge fire, but it was raining, and cold, and maybe sort of a really fun failure.
This brought me to the thought, wow, I miss summer. So very much. Summer is when I can freely go stay at random peoples houses, I can sleep in till 3 PM (not that I ever do) and I can just waste my life away on groups on people doing hang out like activities. It just feels so free, so lets - do- whatever- we -want great! Summer is the time where all good memories sort of just, happen.
That is not to say winter is terrible. I just sort of miss the sun. I miss feeling warm without 15 layers, and I certainly miss not having to take my BF clothes every day just to survive. I think this is why Christmas is in winter, to even out the balance between the two seasons. Or maybe it is just why people move to California.
Okay, well, I have a VERY important workshop in around, say 15 minutes, so I guess I need to be going. Good buy world, I'll come back later tonight to make up for it!
Pfft, we made a fire? We? Who is this we? :P and your english class is rubbing off on you :P