Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Exams, how I hate thee

    Well. exams are terrible, but I actually enjoyed the story I wrote up, so I'm gonna write it up on here. Not that anyone reads this; but it sounded enjoyable. If anyone does, enjoy <3
   Actually, I think i may be lazy, and write the gist of it. I was sort of proud by my main idea, though loser informs me it was too graphic for a final exam. He is mental.
   So the premise is this; a boy named kyle who is a rich snob prep teenage boy alcoholic sociopath saves a boy, whom is beaten and stolen from by his parents from commiting suicide; through a slice of pizza :) I thought that was damn well bloody brilliant, but could it word? If you were so hung up about life hating you, could one instance change your view. I think that hate, an acquired hate is deep. It does not go away, it will not subside. The only thing is that there are many accounts of people changing views such as this over a simple act. I think that this is because those people  were looking for an excuse to not die. This is not a bad thing, on the contrary it is an incredible thing that should be happening more often, for suicide should not occur.
   The other subject I assume he decided was to obscene for a school essay may have been the whole suicide thing. I guess it may be a touchy subject, though my family is so open about things I never think about that. suicide is not wrong per say, but it is not the answer. It does not truly solve anything. Also I guess being beaten by parents, and stolen from by parents are probably both touchy subjects aswell.
  Final thoughts ; exams suck. They are not useful, they do not truly portray how much you know a subject, and they are unneeded. Most teens panic beforehand, none do as well as they could if it was not a pressured topic and such a large portion of your grades. Studying kills any ability to sleep, eat, or even attempt to live real life. The lazy ways that should be encouraged in your childhood is destroyed. As you can tell I hate essays. That is all ~  Me =)

1 comment:

  1. Essays are not all that bad. I find them enjoyable. Not everyone panics, not everyone studies. Not everyone who studies does it to an extent where they cannot eat or sleep or attempt to live real life. If this happens, you are not studying. You are living your class and over studying. If one is to study, they have no reason to avoid sleep or eating.
    They can still socialize. Ten minutes to an hour of studying is all that is needed, repeat this for three or four days and you can glance over a full semester of daily topics with no problem. Exams also do show what you know, perhaps not well for what you have been taught recently is going to have a higher chance of being remembered, but if you genuinely know something and it has not just been stored away in short term memory from 'studying' then it will be reflected in your exam.
