Sunday, January 30, 2011


~ should you tolerate intolerance? Is it a good idea to allow someone mercy or grace for something you may not necessarily agree with, or should you press your ideas of tolerance on them therefore showing intolerance? Just something to think about, just because you think something is right does not make it so. For instance the idea of murder being wrong, is that just because we as a society frown on it, or is it because it is actually unjust. Murder has probably removed many a tyrant from the throne, helping many children whom were being tortured out, and other great gifts to maybe better people. Does that mean if you are truly tolerant you should accept those bad people, and those killers as well. Tolerance includes everyone, but if everyone is tolerant to everything, laws get thrown out the door. I think basic society laws state you need a balance between tolerance and punishment, the line on deciding is just the tricky part~ something to mull over ~

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