Sunday, January 23, 2011

Random thoughts

          So well... I made this blog for a few reasons. Honestly I doubt I'll be using it all that much, but ever so often I have deep profound (not that profound mind you) thoughts, and keeping a diary for me is hell... it kills my hand that is apparently overly weak; hence blog. Also it may even improve my typing... doubtful but i can hope right?

        Well first thought here, though not connected to any later ones is that this interface does not accept tab as a key, or at least will not allow it to function. Thats strange, I enjoy tabbing my paragraphs. Okay so first thought was from when i was walking home, would you rather die for someone, or be tortured for them. This was brought about by my reading of 1984 ( George Orwell for anyone whom is not aware). In it he compromises his love for a girl named Julia, because they threaten him with rats eating him to death.

    The premise is though, that theoretically you can survive that. You could survive mass torture, and save the one you love as well. But would you? If you truly loved someone; than would it really be a question. True love entails wanting them to live above yourself, no matter what, correct? But, if anyone was in that situation, almost no one would succumb to torture on the behalf of their loved ones.

    That sort of begs the question, can real, unadulterated love exist. If no one (or rather VERY few) people would accept that; no one truly loves anyone else in that idea. That also bring me to my second thought, in my lovely thinking I discovered I would much rather die for someone. I mean, it would be instantaneous, so it would not be painful. I would not regret being dead afterwards, and my last thought would of course be "Damn... I rock !" How can you die for someone and not feel great about yourself really. But, also, thats almost taking the easy way out. Truly you did not suffer anything on their behalf. Its almost the same as sleeping forever on behalf of someone who needs your kidneys... no great harm to you. You will not even notice.

       My second random thought was while I was with my boyfriend, though it is a rather strange topic. Me him and my other friend Josh had been discussing this random gay character (Kurt, for anyone who watches Glee) and if he would be attracted to himself. I always imagine when in campy T.V and movies the two main characters switch bodies (way overused plot line by the way) and the male checks himself out; as does the female. But if you were already into the same sex as you would it not be the same? I do not think so, unless said person was narcissistic; but it made for interesting conversations. I am pretty sure biologically you cannot truly be interested in yourself, for it gets you "biologically speaking" no where. I also know whom your attracted to is something to do with how your brain is constructed - they proved it, as far as i'm aware- that being homosexual is something your born with, a trait. Just like a large nose, or brown hair. I also thought that was sorta fascinating, but i can talk about that some other time.

      Anyhow, those were my random thoughts over the last few days. Ive decided I shall just leave blogger open on my computer; for inspirations sake. I may have some incredible LIFE saving ideas some day. I supremely doubt it, but that would be pretty damn incredible now wouldn't it ?

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