Friday, January 28, 2011


Girls expectations are always higher than guys. They live in romantized ideals and fairy tale romances ever since a girls first day born. Who does not want prince charming to sweep you off your feet, carry you away and woo you. To be better, who does not want a perfect romance; everlasting love, for life?
Are any of these ideas reasonable? Of course, none involve flying, break the laws of physics or defy life. But what are the chances of this happening? Honestly if you said one in ten guys had one personality trait out of say my top ten : honesty, resect, intelligence, attractive, funny, tall ( yes that's incredibly shallow) , friendly and outspoken , kind and caring, relaxed. Each is a 1/10 chance, so all ten would be ten ^10 chance, or one in 10000000000 by my simple, very basic and unscientific math.
But by my simple logic, no one on earth would ever find someone with their top ten desired trates. So are people created on their ability to click with others? Or do people just have to learn to settle and forgive Someone for their shortcomings.
Anyhow that is what was on my mind~ maybe I'll finish tomorow I'm tired! ~ I love you to a certain someone <3 Good night!

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